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Saturday, May 16, 2009


Frequently asked interview questions

lf you've attended a lot of job interviews, you’ll relise that most interviewers ask the same questions and expect exactly the same answers! That's because most of them have mindsets and if your answers fit within the 'cliched' mindset, the job most probably will be yours. Here are frequently asked interview questions along with the 'ideal' answers.

1. "Tell me something about yourself."

ldeal Answer: lt's time to make a brief but systematic statement which highlights

your education, professional achievements, future goals and also covers a

description of your qualifications for the job and potential contributions you could

make to the organization.

2. "You want to work here because..."

ldeal Answer: Work up a little enthusiasm and unless you're in sales, don't say

'money'! Show the interviewer your interest in the company. Share what you learned about the job, the company and the industry through your own research. Talk about how your professional skills will benefit the company.

3. "What are your best skills?"

ldeal Answer: lf you have sufficiently researched the organization, you should be

able to imagine what skills the company values. List them. Then give examples

where you have demonstrated these skills.

4. "What is your major weakness?"

ldeal Answer: Be positive; turn a weakness into strength. For example, you might

say: "l often worry too much over my work. Sometimes I work late to make sure the job is done well."

5. "How do you prefer to work - by yourself or with others?"

ldeal Answer: Flexibility is the key, but if you'd rather be honest, go ahead. Give

examples describing how you have worked in both situations.

6. "What are your career aspirations?"

ldeal Answer: Answer this one with caution as your interview is comparing your

plans and the company's goals, to see if the twain meets. Let him know that you are ambitious enough to plan ahead. Talk about your desire to learn more and improve your performance, and be specific as possible about how you will meet the goals you have set for yourself.

7. "What are your interests other than work?"

ldeal Answer: Your interviewer is obviously looking for signs of skills outside of your professional experience. For example, hobbies such as chess or bridge demonstrate analytical skills. Reading, music, and painting are creative hobbies. Individual sports show determination and stamina, while group sport activities may indicate you are comfortable working as part of a team. He/she may also be curious to ascertain whether you have a life outside of work. The common observation is that those with a creative or athletic outlet for stress tend to be more pleasant and more productive.

8. "What salary do you expect?"

ldeal Answer: Before going for the interview, find out the cunent salary range is for the profession. Talk to people in the profession and get an estimate. Negotiate for the best package. Try not to answer this one with a figure. You could ask the interviewer what he is planning to pay the best candidate. Let the employer make the first otfer and then if it is not good enough, make a quote.

9. "ls There Something I Have Forgotten To Ask You?"

ldeal Answer: Use this as a chance to summarize your good characteristics and

attributes and how they may be used to benefit the organization. Convince the

interviewer that you understand the job requirements and that you can succeed.

link to download Frequently asked interview questions document

...maybe you interesting about this interview article and want more...hmmm...saya boleh emailkan....

apa yang perlu anda buat adalah isi sahaja diruangan Tanya@Myopinion

insyaALLAH saya akan emailkan pada anda secepat mungkin...kenapa...sebab baru-baru ini saya menghadiri kursus...dan saya tertarik ttg tajuk interview...mungkin bagus saya kongsikan bersama anda...artikel ini saya copy dan save dalam bentuk fail pdf...

link untuk mereka yg telah hantar email pada saya

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